Table sceneMedieval RecipesTable scene


Take persel, sawge, grene garlec, chibolles, letys, leek, spinoches, borage, myntes, prymos, violettes, porrettes, fenel, and toun cressis, rew, rosemarye, purslarye, laue and waishe hem clene.

Pike hem.
Pluk hem small with thyn honde, and myng hem wel with rawe oile, lay on vyneger and salt, and serue it forth.

Take (some or all of) parsley, sage, green garlic, dandelion leaves, lettuce, leeks, spinach, borage mint, primroses, violets, fennel, watercress, rue, rosemary, and other herbs.  Pick them, tear into small pieces and mix well with raw oil, pour on some vinegar and salt, and serve it forth.

(The greens called for in this recipe were invariably to be fresh from the garden.  If you can't find something fresh, don't be tempted to use a dried version; instead, find something similar that is fresh.  An example of a modern equivalent follows.)

Wash and tear up greens.  Drain well and put in a bowl with fennel, scallions, herbs, etc.  Oil may be added now, with salt and vinegar reserved for the last minute so the greens don't wilt.  Mix and toss as usual.

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